This research is a predictive descriptive research aimed at studying the predictive factors to the result of the license examination in the first class registered nurses and midwifery. The sample was 188 graduates from Srisavarindhira Thai Red Cross Institute of Nursing in 2017. The study instruments were two questionnaires developed by the researchers based on the review literature, the preparation for the license examination in the first class for registered nurses and midwifery, and the preparation questionnaire for graduates of the institution. Content validity of the questionnaires approved by three experts in the field with a value of 1, and their reliability was .858 and .837, respectively. Data were gathered through analysis using descriptive statistics pearson’s correlation and multiple regression analysis. The result of the study license examination in the first class of registered nurses and midwifery was at the highest related to the average grades of related courses including nursing (r =.389), followed by grade point average throughout the program (r = .347) and the result of comprehensive examination (r = .254), which was statistically
The results of the study can be used to improve teaching and learning, to enable students to be more capable of passing the license examination required to become first class registered nurses and midwifery.
significant p < 0.01. The average grades of related courses including nursing predicted a result of nursing licensure examination significant (β = .383, P = 0.05)